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Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery, Ala, June 12th 1867

General Orders
No 9

I The Collection of the state Tax upon official certificates. by requiring in addition to the usual fees that stamps of the value of one and two dollars each be affixed to the various public offices within this State. will be henceforth discontinued so far as relates to certificates to the collection of pensions, back pay, bounty or other claims by reason of Military service, from the United States.

II So much of an act to establish Revenue Laws of the State of Alabama approved Feb 22d 1866 as requires a license to be procured at a cost of Fifty Dollars "to sell or expose for sale for one year, at any one place any pictorial or illustrated weekly or monthly paper, periodical or magazine published outside the limits of this state and not in a foreign country, and to vend the same on the streets or in boats or railroad cars" and the additional charge of fifty per cent upon such fee imposed by the several Courts of County Commissioners within this State. Will be henceforth disregarded.

By Command of
Maj Genl. Wager Swayne
(signed) D. H. Williams
1st Lieut 41st U.S.I. AAAG.

Head Qrs. Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery, Ala July 23d '67

Circular }
No 7 }

The following is published for the information and guidance of all Officers and Agents of the Bureau of Refugees and Freedmen 


in this District.

Head Quarters 3rd Military Dist.
(Georgia, Alabama and Florida)
Atlanta GA  April 23rd 1867

General Orders }
No 10 }

The following paragraph from G.O. No. 1 from these Hd Qrs is republished for the information of all concerned:

Paragraph III. It is clearly to be understood however that the civil officers thus retained in office shall confine themselves strictly to the performance of their official duties and whilst holding their offices they shall not use any influence whatever to deter or dissuade the people from taking an active part in reconstructing their state government under the act of Congress to provide for the more efficient government of the Rebel states, and the act supplementary thereto.

The words,"shall not use any influence whatever" shall be interpreted in their widest sense, and held to mean advise verbal or written, given to individuals, committees or the public.  

All officers in this Military Dist. are directed, and citizens are requested to give immediate information of any infraction of this order, and to prevent misunderstanding the subject. It is distinctly announced that any civil official (state or municipal) within the District who violates the above order will be deposed from his office and held accountable in such other manner as the nature of the case demands.
By Command of
Bvt. Maj Genl John Pope
(signed) G. K. Sanderson.
Captain 33rd U.S.I. & aaag