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Exception Pvt Henry C. Warner Co "B" 14th Wis Vols
Pvt Ansel B. Wood Co "H" 8th Iowa Vols
Pvt Charles H. Ferris Co "F" 14th Wis Vols
Pvt Thomas Stewart Co "F 14th Wis Vols
Pvt Jno J. Plummer Co "K" 8th Iowa Vols
Pvt John I Hendrick Co "F" 8th Iowa Vols
Pvt D.W. Lash Co "F" 8th Iowa Vols

Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala. Aug 29 1865

Special Orders
No 2

XVII  Private I Ransen Co "F" 119th Ill Vol Infantry is hereby relieved from duty with this office and will report forthwith to the Commanding officer of his Regiment
Quartermasters Dept will furnish transportation
x   x   x   x   x
By order of Brig. Gen. W. Swayne
Maj & A.A.A.G.

Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala. Aug 30 1865 

Special Orders
No 3

I  Maj B.W. Norris Paymaster U.S.A. Disbursing Officer of Freedmens Bureau for Ala. will transfer to Bvt. Col. C.Cadle Jr  A.A.G. all funds in his possession belonging to this Department.
Bvt. Col. C. Cadle Jr will receipt to him for the same.

II  Geo. A. Harmount is hereby assigned 

to duty as special agent of this Bureau for the issue of subsistance to destitute persons in this city.  He will make the neccessary orders upon the Comsr of subsistance.

III  Major Charles A. Miller  Actg Asst. Adjt Genl. will proceed to Mobile and confe with Brevet Maj Gen Kenner Garrard Comdg Dist of Mobile touching certain cases of murder shown by affidavit to have occurred within that District.  After such conference Maj. Miller will visit the Counties of Munroe, Washington, Clark, & Choctaw and investigate the matters there within the province of this Bureau particularly outrages upon Freedmen.  He will report as often as practicable and will make a special report on his return.
x   x   x   x   x
By order of Brig. Gen. W. Swayne

Office Assistant commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen
and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, August 31st 1865

Special Order
No 4

I  Captain Andrew Geddes 8th Iowa Vols, having in accordance with orders from Hd Qrs Dept Ala, reported at this office, is hereby assigned to duty as Asst. Superintendent of Freedmen for the Counties of Macon, Russell, Chambers.  He will establish his office at Tuskegee, Macon Co. and will make his reports direct to this office.