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14 Office Assistant Commissioner Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands Montgomery, Ala. Sept 11, 1865 Special Order No 11} I Col Geo. D Robinson 97 USCT having, in accordance with orders from Hd Qrs Dept. Alabama reported to this office, is hereby assigned to duty as Superintendent of the District of Mobile with his office at Mobile, Ala. He will relieve Capt. W.A. Poillon 68 U.S.C.T. Asst Supt at Mobile. He will as fast as officers can be obtained, cut, divide his district by county and assign one Asst. Supt. to each one. II Capt W. A. Poillon 68 U.S.C.T. Asst Supt Freedmen Mobile Ala. on being relieved by Col. Geo. D. Robinson will report to the Asst Adjt Genl Dept. of Alabama for orders III The following named enlisted men are, in accordance with orders from District Head Quarters, relieved from duty in this Bureau and will forthwith report to the Comd Officer of their Regt at Mobile. Q.M Dept will furnish transportation. Corpl Wm Hutchinson "I" Co 14th Wis Corpl Ezra S. King "B" Co. 14th Wis Private Henry C. Warner "B" Co. 14th Wis Private Wm H Wells "B" Co. 14th Wis Private Thos Stewart "F" Co. 14th Wis Private Henry Nuckel "E" Co. 14th Wis Private Augustus Barrager "H" Co. 14th Wis Private David Green "I" Co. 14th Wis Private Matthew Bender "K" Co. 14th Wis * * * * * By order of Brig. Gen. W. Swayne A.A.G. 15 Office Assistant Commissioner Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands Montgomery, Ala. Sept 12, 1865 Special Order No. 12.} I 1st Lieut. Chas. M. Rockfellow 178 New York Vols having in accordance with orders from Hd. Qrs Dist of Montgomery, reported at this office is hereby assigned to duty as Asst Supt Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands of Gainesville relieving Capt. A.L. Brown II Capt A.L. Brown will turn over to Lt Rockfellow all books and papers pertaining to his office and after giving him all instructions necessary, will report in person at this office for re-assignment. * * * * * By order of Brig. Gen. W. Swayne A.A.G. Office Assistant Commissioner Bureau of Refugees Freemen and Abandoned Lands Montgomery, Ala. Sept 12, 1865 Special Order No 12} [[margin]] Ex 4, See page 29 [[/margin]] * * * * * III Chaplain R.P. Codey 2d New York Vols Cavalry having, in accordance with orders from Hd Qrs Dist. of Montgomery, reported to this office is hereby assigned to duty as Asst Supt Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands at Talladega. He will make his reports direct to this office. * * * * * By order of Brig Gen. W. Swayne