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Make their welfare inseparable from that of the Community, are invited to aid in giving them prevalence and effect. 
Brig. Genl &c Asst Commir

Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen
and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala. Sept 10th 1865

No. 2
Instructions to Medical Officer on deaths with Refugees and Freedmen.
I Medical Officers will reply by letter to the Surgeon in Chief on the last day of each month their stations or the duties to which they are assigned.
II. Requisitions for Medical and Hospital supplies are to be made in triplicate, and must be forwarded to the Surgeon in Chief for approval. In preparing them, Medical Officers will comply with standard supply table for Refugees and Freedmen, both in the articles and quantities, avoiding fractions in quantities. Requisitions for outfits of Medical and Hospital supplies will be made for three months, and in the form of a letter, stating the number of men or beds to be supplied. Requisitions to replenish Medical and Hospital supplies will always be made in detail, according to the forms furnished, and for those articles only which are really deficient in quantity. Those requisitions will be made quarterly. 
III. Medical Officers having charge of Medical and Hospital supplies will make, to the Surgeon General, U.S.A. through the Chief Medical Officer of the Bureau at Washington, D. C. semi-annually on the 30th of June and on the 31st of December,


and whenever received therefore,returned in duplicate.
IV Medical Officers in charge of Hospitals or Color  will forward to the Surgeon in Chief, on the last day of each month, a report of the numbers of patients treated, discharged, and who have died during the week. Blank forms for this report will be furnished on application.
V Duplicate monthly reports of sick and wounded Refugees and Freedmen (duplicate for each) must be sent to the Surgeon in Chief, within five days after the expiration of the month. Blank forms will be furnished from this office.
VI Medical Officers must keep constantly on Land a supply of fresh vaccine issues and must vaccinate and re-vaccinate all persons under this charge, who have not been recently successfully vaccinated. All persons joining Colonies or entering Hospitals must be vaccinated at once. A weekly report of the persons vaccinated or re-vaccinated must be sent to the Surgeon in Chief on each Saturday.
VII Medical Officers in charge of Colonies will make frequent inspections of the Counties, and report their condition, with such recommendations for their improvement as they may think necessary, forwarding at the same time a reply of the report to the Surgeon in Chief.
Brigadier General
Assistant Commissioner Official
Asst Adjt Genl