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Three Hundred (300) Uniform Coats
Three Hundred (300) Knit Jackets 
Three Hundred (300) Trousers
Three Hundred (300) Blankets
Three Hundred (300) Great Coats
Three Hundred (300) Pr Shoes
Three Hundred (300) Shirts
By order of 
Bvt Maj Gen Wager Swayne

Office Asst. Comsr.
B.R.F. & A.L.
Mont. Ala.  Feb 10, 1866

Special Orders 
No. 28}

Lt Jas. F. McGogy will transfer to T.W. Mostyn, Asst Supt R.F. & A.L. Butler Co Ala, the following articles of clothing for destitute persons in Greenville, Ala.
Fifty (50) Blankets
Fifty (50) Blouses or Jackets
Fifty (50) Prs Pants
Fifty (50) Shirts
Fifty (50) Prs Drawers
II  Capt Leonard J. Whiting 14th Vet. Res. Corps having in accordance with orders from the Commissioner of this Bureau reported at this office will proceed to Mobile, Ala, and report to Col G.D. Robinson Supt R.F. & A.L. for assignment to duty.
Q.M. Dept will furnish transportation.
III  Capt A.L. Brown 50th U.S.C.T. will proceed to Nashville Tenn on business connected with this office.  He will also on his return from Nashville visit Rome and Trenton Ga.
He will return to this office as soon as he has completed the business on which he is sent.
By order of 
Bvt Maj Gen Wager Swayne

Office Asst. Comsr.
B.R.F. & A.L.
Mont. Ala.  Feb 12, 1866

Special Orders 
No. 29}

Bvt Lieut Col Edwin Beecher, Paymaster and Disbursing officer and Capt Thomas J. Kerr, A.Q.M. will proceed forthwith to Mobile and act as a Commission for the sale of the three blockade running vessels turned over to this Bureau by the U.S. Treasury Department in pursuance of the Executive order of 11th November 1865.
They will reject all the bids received on or before February 9th 1866 pursuant to advertisement.  The Steamer Virginia will however be tendered to – Godbolt.  The highest bidder for the same at Forty Thousand six hundred dollars, the price named in his bid, in case no one is found on their arrival ready to give same, but in case a higher price is offered, advantage will be taken of such offer.
The remaining vessels will be advertised to be sold at private sale and will be sold to the earliest and best bidder, subject to the approval of the General Commanding Department.
They will also if practicable make final