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Ten (10) Prs Pants
Ten (10) Jackets
Ten (10) Shirts
Ten (10) Blankets
IV  Lieut Jas F. McGogy A.A.Q.M. will issue to G.A. Harmount, Asst Supt R.F. & A.L. for destitute freedmen
Six (6) Prs Pants
Six (6) Jackets
Six (6) Shirts
Six (6) Blankets
By order of 
Bvt Maj Gen Wager Swayne

Office Asst Comsr
B.R.F. & A.L.
Mont. Ala.  Mch 3d 1866

Circular Letter
[[margin]] Fd [[/margin]]

The following law is published for the information of the officers of this Bureau.
Objections exist to that provision of the law which gives the former owner of Freed children the preference in apprenticing them - but if the provision that proof shall be made that such former owner is a suitable person for the purpose is conscientiously carried out by the civil officers it is believed that it will be productive of no evil effect.  The officers of tis Bureau are hereby directed to report to this office any case of injustice done to Freed children under the provision above mentioned in or that the Asst Comsr may be enabled to correct the evil by reference to the proper civil authorities