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Hospital property referred to in Special Orders No 60 Ex VI Hd Qrs Dept of Alabama of Ala of date April 10, 1866, and will receipt to Surg H.C. Cooper 178 New York Vols for the same.
By order of 
Bt Maj Gen Wager Swayne
Sgd C Cadle
AA Genl

Office Asst Comsr
B of RF & AL
Montgomery. Ala.  April 17th 1866

Special Orders No 63}
[[margin]] Fd [[/margin]]

I  The following named officers of this Bureau in addition to the duties to which they are now assigned will perform the duties of A. Asst Commissioner of Subsistance at their named stations.
They will be governed by such instructions as they may receive from Capt W.C. Arthur CS U.S.A. Chief Commissary of the Bureau for this State.
Bt Major W.H.H. Peck V.R.C. Tuscaloosa
Capt F.O. Steinburg V.R.C. Greenville
Bt Major S.L. Hoge V.R.C. Selma
Lt. P.E. O'Connor V.R.C. Demopolis
By order of
Bt Maj Gen Wager Swayne
C Cadle Jr
AA General


Office Asst Commissioner
B. of RF & AL
Montgomery. Ala.  April 17th 1866

Special Orders No 64}
[[margin]] Fd [[/margin]]

I  2d Lieut Joseph Logan 24th V.R.C. having in accordance with orders from the Commissioner of the Bureau reported at this office, will proceed to Mobile Ala, and report to Lieut Col G.A. Washburn Superintendent RF & AL for assignment to duty.
The Q. M. Dept will furnish the necessary transportation.
By order of 
Bt Maj Gen Wager Swayne
Signed C Cadle Jr
AA General

Office Asst Commissioner
B. of RF & AL
Montgomery. Ala.  April 18th 1866

Special Orders No 65
[[margin]] Fd [[/margin]]

I  Bt Maj R Theune VR Corps is hereby relieved from duty at Mobile Ala and assigned to duty as Asst Supt R.F. & A.L. at Talladega Ala.  He will at once proceed to his station and enter upon his duties.
The Q. M. Dept will furnish the necessary transportation.
By order of 
Bt Maj Gen Wager Swayne
Sd C Cadle Jr
AA Genl