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Office Asst Commissioners
B.R.F.& A.L
Montgomery Ala April 18th 1866

Special Order
No 65}

II   Second Suit G. D. Jennings 23d Vols having in accordance with orders from the Commissioner of the Bureau reported at this office will proceed to Mobile Ala and report to Lt Col GA Washburn Supt RF & AL for assignment to duty.
The QM Dept will furnish the necessary transportation.
By Order of
Bt Maj Genl Grant Wager Swayne
(Signed) C. Cadle Jr

Officer Asst Commissioner
B of RF & AL
Montgomery Ala April 19th 1866

Special Order
No 66}

II The following named officers of this Bureau in addition to the duties to which they are now assigned, will perform the duties of Actg Asst Comm of Subsistence at their supposed stations. They will be governed by such instructions as they may receive from Capt H.C. Arthur Chief CS of the Bureau for this State. 
By Order of
Bt Maj Genl Grant Wager Swayne
Signed C. Cadle Jr
AA Genl.


Office Asst. Commissioner
B.R.F. & A.L.
Montgomery Ala April 20th, 1866

Special Order
No. 67}

I. Brt Major C W Pierce Supt R.F. & A.L. Demopolis Ala will proceed to Montgomery Ala, on business connected with his office.
Upon completing his business he will return to his station.
II. Brt Major C.W. Pierce 1st Supt V.R. Corps is hereby assigned to duty as Superintendent of the Demopolis District comprising the Counties of Sumter Marengo and Greene
III. Actg Asst Surg S. Moore U.S.A. is hereby assigned to duty as attending Surg to present sick and wounded refugees and Freedmen mending on the Eastern shore of Mobile Bay.
He will report to Col Washburn Subt Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and Aband Lands.
The Q.M. Dept will furnish the necessary Transportation.
By Order of 
Bt Maj Genl Grant Wager Swayne
Sgd C. Cadle

Office Asst Commissioner
B. R F & A L
Montg Ala April 21st 1866

Special Order
No 68}

II  C W Buckley Superintendent of Education in this state, will proceed to Tuskegee Ala on business connected with this office, returning as soon as practicable.
The Q.M. Dept will furnish the necessary transportation.
By order of Major Genl Wagner Swayne
Sgd C Cadle