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of hay for the purpose of keeping up his stock until the forage arrives for which requisition has been made. The Chief Receiving and Disbursing Officer B.R.F. & A.L. will pay for the same out of the contingent fund for the present month.
By order of
Maj. Gen. Wager Swayne
AA General

Head Quarters District of Alabama 
Montgomery June 16th 1866

Special Orders
No. 6}
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Leave of absence for twenty days is hereby granted C W. Buckley  Superintendent of Education in this State.
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II. Capt W.C. Arthur Commissary of Subsistence and J.F. McGogy Agent B.R.F & A.L. will proceed to Greenville Ala on special business connected with these Head Quarters, returning as soon as practicable. 
The Quartermasters Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 
[[margin]] B [[[/margin]]
III. Capt F.O. Sturnberg, V.R.C. is Surely relieved from duty as Asst. Supt. B.R.F. & A.L. at Greenville Ala. He will turn over all records, Quartermaster and Commissary stores to Capt. W.C. Arthur C.S. and will remain at his present station until further orders. 
IV. Capt. F.O. Sturnberg V.R.C. having been relieved from duty as Asst. Supt. B.R.F & A.L. at Greenville Ala, will report at these Head Quarters under arrest. 
By order of 
Maj. Gen. Wager Swayne 
A.A. General    


Head Quarters District of Alabama 
Montgomery June 18th 1866

Special Orders
No. 7}
[[margin]] B [[/margin]]
Bvt. Maj. R. Thune Asst. Supt. B.R.F. & A.L. at Talladega Ala., is hereby authorized to exchange one (1) barrel of Pork for four hundred (400) pounds of Flour for the use of the Home Colony at Talladega. 
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II. Bvt. Maj. W.A. Elderkin Post Commissary at Mobile Ala. having been granted a Leave of Absence, Lieut J.K. Sunderson 15th U.S. Infty, will in addition to his present duties perform the duties of Maj. Elderkins office until his return.  
By order of 
Major Gen. Wager Swayne
A.A. General.

Head Quarters District of Alabama 
Montgomery June 21st 1866

Special Orders
No. 8}
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Georg. C. J. Kipp Surgeon in Chief of this District will proceed to Selma Ala, on business connected with the command. He will return as soon as practicable.
By order of 
Maj. Gen. Wager Swayne
A.A. General