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sixty boxes of hard bread, said to be part of a lot of Commissary Stores shipped some months since from Montgomery Ala. for the use of a Regt. then stationed at Columbus Ga. and now out of service, the Probate Judge of Russell County is authorized to take the said sixty boxes of hard bread and issue the same to destitute Refugees and Freedmen of the said County.
IV Lieut G K Sanderson 15th U S Infty is relieved from duty with his Regt during the time he is performing the duties performing the duties pertaining to the office of Depot Commissary at Mobile.
V Military
By Order of
Maj Genl Wager Swayne
Asst Adjt Genl

Head Quarters Dis.t of Alabama
Montgomery Ala July 11th 1866

Special Orders}
No 18}

"Acting" Asst Surgeon N. E. Williams USA is hereby relieved from duty at Mobile Ala, and will proceed to Montgomery Ala and report to the Surgeon in Chief of this Dist. for further orders.
He will turn over all Govt. property in his possession to the AAQM at Mobile for storage, taking proper receipts therefor.
The QM Dept. will furnish the transportation necessary for the Execution of this order.
By Order of 
Maj Genl Wager Swayne
Asst. Adjt Genl. 


Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala July 14th 1866

Special Orders }
No 19 } 

1 Sergeant Henry Luth [[?]]1st Lieut 15th Infty," will proceed to Kingston Autauga Co. Ala and investigate a certain case wherein one Daniel Wadsworth is charged with killing a woman. if he finds that the case is as has been stated to him, he will make complaint to the Probate Judge of Autauga Co.
II Military
By Order of 
Maj Genl Wager Swayne
Asst Adjt Genl

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery ala July 16th 1866
Special Orders }
No 20 }

I During the absence of Surgeon J C Kipps, Surgeon in Chief B R.F. and A L Asst Surgeon H E Williams USA will perform the duties of Surgeon in Chief.
II Captain W. C. Artur C.S. BRF & AL will proceed to Opelaka, and Gerard Ala and Columbus Ga, on business connected with these Hd.Qrs. He will return as soon as practicable.
III Bvt Lt Genl. Edwin Beecher, Chief Disbursing Officer, Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, will proceed to Selma Ala on business connected with this Dept. He will return as soon as possible. 
IV The personal property consisting of the Rolling Mill Machinery and a lot of iron pertaining to the "Selma Iron Works" having been labelled by the US Dist. Court is hereby released from the control of the Asst Comr of the BRF & Al for Alabama (over) 

Transcription Notes:
[[underlined]] removed per Smithsonian instructions