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Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala July 30th 1866

Special Orders No 25}

Adj. Asst. Surgeon J.W. Burkholder U.S.A is hereby relieved from duty at Talladega and will report to Actg. Asst. Surgeon Chas. H. Hood U.S.A in charge of Freedmens Hospital in Selma Ala. for assignment to duty.
He will turn over all Govt. property in his possession to Act. Asst. Surgeon C.H. Hood U.S.A. taking proper receipts therefore.
The Q.M. Dept will furnish the transportation necessary for the execution of this order.
By Order of 
Maj. Genl. Wager Swayne
Asst. Adj. Genl.

Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  August 2d 1866

Special Orders No. 26}

I  Extracts 1 and 2 S.O. No 10, current series from these Hd. Qrs. are hereby revoked.
II  Military
By order of 
Maj. Gen. Wager Swayne
Asst. Adjt. Genl.

Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery Ala.  August 8th 1866

Special Orders No 27}

Private David Meagher 1st Batalion, 15th USI is hereby detailed as clerk in the office of the Commissary of Subsistence of the


District and will report to Captain W.C. Arthur C.S. for duty.
By order of 
Maj. Gen. Wager Swayne
Asst. Adjt. Genl.

Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery Ala.  Aug. 10th 1866

Special Orders No 28}

I  Bvt. Maj. F.D. Ogilby, Captain 15th US Infty, having been detailed on General [[?recruiting]] service in accordance with G.O. No 30 Hd. Qrs. of the Army A.G.O., Current Series, is hereby relieved from duty in the District of Alabama, he will turn over all records of the Bureau RF & AL, to 1st Lieut Geo. Shorkley 15th U.S. Infantry.
II  Bvt. Maj. F.D. Ogilby, Captain 15th U.S. Infty, having been relieved from duty in this Dist, 1st Lieut Geo. Shorkley 15th U.S.I. is hereby detailed as Superintendant of RF & AL at Selma Ala.

III  Bvt. Col. C. Cadle Jr AA Genl will proceed to Selma Ala, on business connected with this command.  He will return as soon as practicable.
By order of 
Maj. Gen. Wager Swayne
Asst. Adjt. Genl.

Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery Ala.  August 13th 1866

Special Orders No 29}

1st Lieut John F Conyngham 15th U.S.I. having reported at these Hd. Qrs. in compliance with S.O. No 37, Hd. Qrs. Post of