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132 Head Quarters Sub Dist. of Alabama Montgomery Ala. Oct 3rd, 1866 Special Orders No 48} I Bvt Maj Geo H. Tracy Captain 15 USI is hereby relieved from duty with his Company at Mt. Vernon Ala, and is assigned to duty as Supt Bureau RF & AL at Mobile Ala. II Bvt Maj R. Theune VRC, Asst. Supt. Bureau R.F. & AL, Talladega Ala, will proceed to Montgomery Ala, on business connected with these Hd. Qrs. As soon as his business is completed he will return to his proper station By order of Maj. Gen. Wager Swayne (signed) J F Conyngham 1st Lt. 15th USI, AAA Genl. Head Quarters Sub. Dist. of Alabama Montgomery Ala. Oct 5th 1866 Special Orders No 49} I Military II Bvt Maj C.W. Pierce VRC Supt Bureua RF & AL. at Demopolis Ala, will proceed from thence to Montgomery Ala, on business connected with these Hd. Qrs. As soon as his business is completed he will return to his proper station. By order of Maj Gen Wager Swayne (signed) J F Conyngham 1st Lt. 15th USI. AAA Genl. Head Quarters Sub. Dist. of Alabama Montgomery Ala Oct 6th 1866 Special Orders No 50} Bvt Lt Col JC Kipp, Surgeon 133 U.S.V. will in compliance with S.O. No 145, War Department Bureau R.F. & AL. Current series, accompany Bvt Brig Genl. F.D. Sewell on his inspection of the various Posts of this District. By order of Maj Gen Wager Swayne (signed) J F Conyngham 1st Lt. 15th USI. AAA Genl. Head Quarters Sub. Dist. of Alabama Montgomery Ala. Oct 10th 1866 Special Orders No 51} Captain L.J. Whiting, V.R.C. is relieved from duty as Actg Supt at Montgomery relieving G.A. Harmount in the duties of that position. By order of Maj Gen Wager Swayne (signed) J F Conyngham 1st Lt. 15th U.S.I. AAA Genl. Hd Qrs. Sub. Dist. of Alabama Montgomery Ala Oct 13th 1866 Special Orders No 52} 1st Lieut G.F. Browning V.R.C. will in addition to his duties as AAQM perform the duties of Actg C.S. of the Bureau in this State and of the troops serving at this Post, relieving Capitan W.C. Arthur C.S. Vols, who has been mustered out and who will transfer to Lieut Browning all funds, Stores and other Government property for which he is responsible. By order of Maj Gen Wager Swayne (signed) J F Conyngham 1st Lt. 15th U.S.I., AAA Genl.