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envelopes, 500 letter envelopes, 1 qt. bottle black ink, 25 pen holders, 4 lead pencils, 
By Order of
Maj Genl. Wager Swayne
(signed) J.F. Conyngham
1st Lt 24th U.S.I. & AAAG

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala, Mch 16th 1867
Special Orders}
No 22}
I Bvt Maj Geo. F. Browning, V.R.C. will transfer to JF McGogy Sub Asst Comr Bureau RF & AL Talladega Ala, the following subsistence stores for issue to the destitutes of the Sub Dist of Talladega
34 Bbl Pork 96 Bbl flour
II Military
III Bvt Maj Geo F Browning AAQM Bureau RF & AL, Montgomery Ala, will transfer to James M Hill, civilian agt, of Chambers Co Ala for issue to destitutes of said county the following articles of clothing, viz:
25 Pr Pants, 25 Overcoats, 25 Blankets Winter, 25 Knit Jackets, 25 Pr Shoes.
IV Private James Mack Co "D" 15th U.S.I. is hereby detailed as clerk in the Bureau and will report in person without delay to Bvt Captain P.E. O'Connor AAQM, Demopolis Ala, for duty.
The QM Dept will furnish the necessary transportation. 
V Private Wm M Reiter Co "D" 33d Infantry, is hereby relieved from duty as clerk in the QM Dept. at Demopolis Ala, and will report in person without delay, to the Comdg Officer of his company for duty. 
The QM Dept will furnish the necessary transportation.
By Order Maj Gen Wager Swayne (signed) JF Conyngham
1st Lt 24th US Infantry


Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery Ala, March 16th 1867
Special Orders}
No 23}
I CW Buckley Supt of Education Bureau RF & AL for the Dist of Ala, will proceed to Watumpka Ala, on business connected with his Dept., He will return as soon as practicable. 
II Bvt Maj G.F. Browning AAQM of the Bureau, will issue to Mrs Cleveland, in charge of orphan assylum in this city, the following articles, viz: 
Two (2) cords of wood, Ten (10) overcoats, Ten (10) Blankets, Twenty (20) Pr Shoes. 
III The AAQM Bureau RF & AL at Selma, Ala. is hereby directed to build a storehouse at, and a platform in front of the Freedmens Hospital near that place, said improvements to be made under the direction of the Surgeon in charge
The necessary expenditures under this order will be settled upon presentation of the proper vouchers to the Chief Disbursing Officer of the Bureau for the District
By Order of
Maj Genl Wager Swayne
(signed) J.F. Conyngham
1st Lt 24th U.S.I. & AAAQM

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala, March 23d 1867
Special Orders}
No 24}
I W.C. Arthur, Special Agent and Inspector of the Bureau in this State, will proceed to New Orleans La, on Bureau business. He will return as soon as practicable
II Military
III Captain Wm HH Peck V.R.C. will proceed to Rome Ga on Bureau business. He will return as soon as practicable.