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Bvt Lt Col Edwin Beecher, Chief Disbursing Officer, Bureau RF & AL, state of Ala, is authorized to pay for the same, upon presentation of the proper vouchers the estimate having been approved by the Commissioner
IV Bvt Maj Geo F Browning, Chief QM of the Bureau for the Dist will make the following transfer of property to officers of the Bureau for issue to the destitute in their respective Districts
To Bvt Captain P.E. O'Connor, AAQM Demopolis Ala
25 Pairs Women shoes, 25 Pairs childrens shoes
To Bvt Captain Joseph Groves AAQM Selma Ala
20 Pairs Womens Shoes 20 Pairs Childrens shoes
To JF McGogy Sub Asst Comr Talladega Ala
15 Pairs Womens Shoes 15 Pairs childrens shoes
To S.S. Gardner Sub Asst Comr Greenville Ala,
20 Pairs Womens Shoes 20 Pairs Childrens Shoes
V Lieut L.J. Whiting 45th Infantry U.S.A. Sub Asst Comr will in addition to his present dates, perform those of Bureau Inspector at this station
By Order of
Maj Genl Wager Swayne
(signed) J.F. Conyngham
1st Lt 24th U.S.I. & AAAG

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama 
Montgomery Ala, April 12th 1867
Special Orders}
No 3}
I S.S. Gardner Sub Asst Comr Greenville authorized to purchase in free market at Garland, a three months supply of Fuel, for the use of the Home Colony, at that place, Bvt Lt Col Edwin Beecher Chief Disbursing Officer, will pay for the same on presentation of the proper vouchers,
II 1st Lieut Geo Shorkley 15th U.S. Infantry Sub Asst Comr for the Sub Dist of Selma Ala, will report in person at these Hd Qrs on Bureau business upon completion of which he will return to his proper station. 


III Military
IV S.S. Gardner Sub Asst Comr Greenville Ala will proceed to Selma Ala on Bureau business. He will return to his station as soon as practicable.
The QM Dept will furnish the necessary transportation.
By Command of
Maj. Genl. Wager Swayne  
(signed) J.F Conyngham
1st Lt 24th USI & AAAG

Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama 

Special Order}
No 4

On the recommendation of the surgeon in Chief, it is ordered that a sufficient number of homes at the Dog River asylums for freedmen, as is needed to accommodate all the indigent freed people at present at said asylums, be at once put in repairs. The QM of the Bureau R.F. &c., at that point is charged with the execution of these repairs, under the directive of the surgeon in charge of the asylum, and the necessary expenditure  thereunder will be settled upon presentation of the proper overchure to the Chief Disbursing Officer of the Bureau at these Hd Qrs 
By Command of
Maj Genl Wager Swayne
J. F. Cunningham
1st Lt 24th USI & aaag

Head Quarter Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery Ala, April 23rd 1867

Special Order}
No 5
1  Bvt. Lt. Col Chas J. Kipp Surgeon in Chief of the Bureau for this Dist. will accompany and assist Bvt. Maj Genl. F. D. Sewall, acting Inspector General in his tour of inspection through this state, after which he will return to these Hd Qrs.