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State of Alabama
Bur. R.F. and A.L.
Montgomery, Ala.  Mar 25th 68

Special Order
No 30}

Mr. J.H.W. Mills, Agent and Disbursing Officer Bu. R.F. and A.L. will proceed without delay to Athens Ala, and relieve Mr. D.O. Rugg Acting Disbursing Officer at that place, who will turn over to him all government property in his charge at that place, together with the records of the office.
2.  Mr. W.E. Connolly having been relieved from duty as Assistant Commissioner Sub. District of Eufaula, Ala, he having resigned will transfer all property pertaining to the Bureau in his hands, together with the records of the office to Mr. H.H. Burton Sub. Assistant Commissioner, who will receipt to him for the same.
By order of Brvt Brig Genl J. Hayden
Assistant Commissioner
(signed) Geo Shorkley
Capt 15th Infy. Bvt Maj USA
A.A.A. Genl.

A true copy
Edwin Beecher
Brvt Lieut Col U.S.V.
Asst. Commr.


State of Alabama
Bur. R.F. and A.L.
Montgomery, Ala.  Mar 26th 68

Special Order
No 31}

Mr. S.S. Gardner, Sub Assistant Commissioner B.R.F. and A.L. at Greenville Ala. will report in person at Office Asst Commissioner, State of Ala, at Montgomery Ala, upon Bureau business, returning upon its completion.
By order of Brvt Brig Genl. J. Hayden
Assistant Commissioner
(sgd) Geo Shorkley
Capt 15th Infy. Bvt Maj USA
A.A.A. Genl.

A true copy
Edwin Beecher
Brvt Lieut Col U.S.V.
Asst Commr

State of Alabama
Bur. R.F. and A.L.
Montgomery, Ala  March 27" 68

Special Order
No 32}

W.C. Arthur Chief Quartermaster Bur. R.F. and A.L. State of Alabama will purchase and transfer the same to C.C. Bartlett, Sub Asst. Commissioner at Selma Ala for issue to destitutes in Hospital, the following articles, viz:
250 yards of osnaburgs. 150 yards of sheeting
1 gross of buttons (porcelain) 1 pound of thread 6 spools thread (fine) 5 papers needles (assorted)
By order of Brvt Brig Genl. J. Hayden
Assistant Commissioner
(sgd) Geo Shorkley
Capt 15th Infy. Bvt Maj USA
A.A.A. Genl.

A true copy
Edwin Beecher
Brvt Lieut Col U.S.V.
Asst. Commr.