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State of Alabama
Bur. R.F. and A. L.
Montgomery Ala  Mar 28th 68

Special Orders No 33}

Jno C. Harding Sub. Asst Commissioner Bur. R.F. and A.L. Montgomery Ala. will transfer to R.T. Smith Sub. Asst. Commissioner Opelika, Ala. the following stores pertaining to the Bureau, viz:
200 bushels of Corn
The Quartermaster Department will furnish the necessary transportation.
2. J.F. McGogy. Sub Assistant Commissioner Bureau R.F. and A.L. Talladega, Ala. will sell in convenient lots and and on the most advantageous terms obtainable all corn and bacon (both Government and that obtained from Benevolent Societies) now in his possession which by further retention will suffer damages.  All funds received therefor will at once be turned over to Bvt Lieut. Col. Edwin Beecher Disbursing Officer Bureau R.L. & A.L. State of Ala.  Seperate return will be made thereof showing the source from which funds derived.
3.  D.C. Rugg, Sub. Asst Commissioner Bur. R.L. and A. L. Huntsville, Ala will sell in convenient lots, and and the most advantageous terms obtainable, all corn and bacon (both Government and that received from Benevolent Societies) now in his possession, which by further retention will suffer damages.  All funds received therefor will be at once turned over to Bvt Lieut Col. Edwin Beecher Disbursing Officer B.R.F. and A.L. Ala.
Seperate returns will be made thereof showing the source from which funds are 


4.  C.W. Pierce late 1st Luitenant Bvt Maj V.R.C. having been appointed an officer in the Bureau and assigned to duty as Sub Asst Commissioner at Demopolis Ala will relieve Lieut A.S. Bennett 15th U.S. Infantry Sub Asst. Commissioner who will turn over to him all Bureau Stores, and the records of his office.
Lieut Bennett upon being relieved will report to the Commanding Officer of his Regiment for duty.
5.  A Board of Survey is hereby convened to meet at the Freedman's Hospital at Talladega, Ala. on Thursday the 2nd prox. or as soon thereafter as practicable to examine into and fix the responsibility of the discrepancies said to exist between the invoices and the amount received of a lot of Medical Hospital property transferred by F. O'Donuoghue Capt & Med. Storekeeper U.S.A. to A.A. Surg. W.B. Van Duyn U.L.A.
Detail for the Board
Mr. J.F. McGogy Sub. Asst. Comr.
By order of Brvt Brig Genl. J. Hayden
Assistant Commissioner
(signed) Geo Shorkley
Capt 15" Infy. Bvt Maj USA

A true copy
Edwin Beecher
Brvt Lieut Col U.S.V.
Asst. Commr.