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[[stamp]] THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE UNITED STATES [[/stamp]] War Department, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands. Washington, Oct. 3d, 1865. Circular. I. Assistant Commissioners are directed in their Reports of Abandoned and Confiscated Lands to arrange the names of former owners of such lands in each district, county, and parish in alphabetical order. The number of acres as therein required to be stated will always be given as nearly as the same can be ascertained. II. Copies of all Orders restoring property to former owners will be forwarded to this Bureau as soon as issued, and where such Orders are issued in compliance with special instructions from this Bureau, the papers in the case will be returned with a copy of the Order. By order of Major Gen O.O. Howard. Commissioner, &c. Wm Fowler Asst. Adjt. Gen. Brig Gen. Wager Swayne. Montgomery. Ala.
Transcription Notes:
writer makes Roman numerals with double vertical line