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Persons to whom minors may be apprenticed shall provide for them good diet and clothing during the term of apprenticeship, and all other necessaries meet small proper in sickness and in health, and at the expiration of the said term allow the Apprentice such sums of money and suits of clothing as may be agreed upon between the parties.

Agents are directed to grant to children of the age of fourteen years and upwards the privilege of choosing the persons to whom they shall be apprenticed provided the persons designated are not unfitted for such responsible positions. Minors will not be apprenticed to persons who have been guilty of cruelty to slaves by them formerly owned, or of injustice to free men since their emancipation. 
Minors will not be apprenticed to persons other than of good character and reputation. Special attention will be given to poor friendless children of freedmen who have been thrown upon the world by the violent changes of the social order, and who, unless apprenticed, will become vagrants and paupers. 

The principle to be adhered to in regard to PAUPERS is that each County shall provide for its own poor.
All cases, therefore, of pauperism coming under your notice, are to be referred in each County to the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners for the Poor, and you will co-operate with the civil authorities in their efforts to care for the helpless, and to place the responsibility of support upon the County to which the paupers properly belong.
When a question arises as to whether a late master shall provide for his former slave now aged and infirm, the case must be reported to the Commissioner for the Post for decision. The Bureau does not favor the compulsory removal of such persons from the plantations on which they have spent their lives.

When either of the classes of persons over whom this Bureau exercises control neglect to apply themselves to an honest calling, or saunter about neglecting their business, or try to maintain themselves by gaming or other dishonest means, or by quartering themselves upon industrious and well-behaved persons, you will see that they are promptly arrested and punished in pursuance of the laws made and prescribed in such cases.

The credit and well-being of the industrious, the peace and good order of the community, and the success of the free labor, depend largely upon the vigor and thoroughness of your action in relation to vagrant-.

But while you deal sternly with all such characters be careful that no innocent and well-disposed persons are annoyed and oppressed because of their poverty. 

Brig. Gen. and Assist. Commissioner.