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Office Sup't Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands SUB-DISTRICT HUNTSVILLE. Huntsville, Alabama, January 20, 1866 CIRCULAR No. 1 The Superintendent publishes this Circular for the information of all concerned: Freedmen, Employers and Employees, colored and white; also for the information and guidance of Sub-Agents in the different Counties of this District: 1. That the objects of the Bureau are to harmonize the interest of the Freedmen with that of the White man, and so far as possible to make their interests identical, without distinction of color. 2. That all contracts with Freedmen and Women for labor, or otherwise, must be equitable, and be complied with in letter and in spirit, alike by employer and employee. 3. That no fixed rates of wages will be prescribed, only in individual cases, and then not without the approval of the Superintendent, or his Agent. 4. Parties can make any contract or trade that is satisfactory to themselves; but advantage of the ignorance of the Freed People will not be taken, and no contract will be approved where such intent appears. 5. All contracts with Freedmen must be in writing, in duplicate, approved by the Superintendent, or Agent, and recorded in his Office. 6. It is expected and required of Freedmen that they work under the direction of their employer. They must in all cases be sober, industrious and faithful, having in view the interests of their employer, whose work they are in no case to neglect, or quit his employment, unless treated with cruelty. 6. It is expected and required of the employer, that he treat the Freedman with humanity, recognizing in all its length and breadth, height and depth, the fact, that the negro is free and equal before the law; and never losing sight of the fact, that the obligation in the contract is binding alike on the employer as well as the employee. 8. Parents are responsible for the support of their children, and children for their aged helpless parents, and so far as possible contracts will be made with this fact in view. The Officers of the Bureau having been appointed Guardians of orphans and minor colored children, State laws with regard to apprenticeship of white, will be regarded as applying to colored children. 9. All contracts with Freedmen or Women for the leasing or renting of bank accounts be duplicated, and approved by the Superintendent, the same as contracts for labor. In case employers fail or refuse to make such contract in writing, as above, and a controversy or disput shall arise between the parties as to the amount agreed upon, he will, in all cases, be compelled to pay the highest price paid in the District for the same class of hands. 10. In no case will old and infirm Freedmen, who are destitute be turned away from their present homes until the Civil Authorities shall have made ample provision for their shelter and support. The same rule must apply to helpless children who are destitute. 11. In all cases adjudicated upon or tried by a Justice of the Peace, wherein the Freedman is a party to the suit, testimony will be taken without distinction of color. Agents of the Bureau are required to promptly report to this Office all cases coming under their observation, wherein this rule is not strictly complied with. 12. Freedmen will not be permitted to loiter about towns or country neighborhoods without any visible means of support. All such will be dealt with as Vagrants, according to laws now in force against white Vagrants. 13. Citizens are requested to co-operate with the Agents of the Bureau in administering relief to the indigent of the District. John B. Callis, Bvt Colonel U.S. V., and Superintendent Dist. Huntsville, Bureau R.F. & A.L. Genl the 2 M here refuses to furnish anything for the Bureau and your consideration as a vagrants for Coffins to Justice of Peace Pox raging here many during paid 34$ to do for Coffins from Freedmen destitute am shaping rations to institutes in all the counties suplus nachen him to may Callis
Transcription Notes:
Removed National Archives stamp -- not necessary