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War Department,
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen
and Abandoned Lands
Washington, February 28th 1866

Circular Letter

The attention of the Bureau has been called to the excessive amount of transportation issued from time to time, for the transportation of Freemen from one part of the country to another when their services have been engaged by private individuals to work upon respective plantations. The Commissioner instructed me to call your attention to General Orders No. 138. series 1865 A.G.O. (copy enclosed) and to request, that your orders for transportation be limited to the classes indicated in that order as authorized to receive transportation. When the Planter is able to pay for the transportation of his hands, it is considered owing to the great demand for laborers all over the South, that the should do so, and relieve the Government from the expense of their removal.
I am, Sir
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Max Woodhull
Bt Col & A.A. General

Bt Maj Gen Wager Swayne
Asst Comr

Official copy
respectfully furnished Col Robinson Supt &c Mobile Ala
C Callis