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War Department
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Washington, DC March 22nd, 1866
Circular Letter

The following copy of an endorsement from the Surgeon General Office is furnished for your information and guidance:
"Respectfully return to  Maj. Gen'l. O.O. Howard U.S. A. Com'r Bureau of Refugees &c &c with remark that in the opinion of the Surgeon General it is important for the Chief Medical Officer on duty with each Ass't Com'r to inspect and condemn Hospital property in possession of Medical Officers serving with the Bureau under instructions to that effect from Maj. Gen'l Howard Commissioner Refugees &c &c 
Surg. Gen'l Office
March 20, 1866

(Sigd) J.K. Barnes
Surgeon Gen'l

Transcription Notes:
Unknown word in the first paragraph (not enough image resolution).