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WAR DEPARTMENT, BUREAU OF REFFUGEES, FREEDMEN, AND ABANDONED LANDS. Washington, July 2, 1866. CIRCULAR} No. 7. The attention of the Assist Commissioners of the States of Mississippi, Luisiana, Arkansas and Florida, is called to an Act of Congress for the disposal of the public lands. "for homestead actual settlement," in those states, approved by the President June 21st 1866. By the provisions of this Act. Freedmen, and Whites who can take an [[?]] that they have [[?]] arms against the United States, have the exclusive right till Jan. 1, 1867, of entering public lands in the following manner: The applicant must make an affidavit that he is at the head of a family, or is twenty-one years of age, or shall have performed service in the army or navy of the United States, and that such application is for his exclusive use and benefit, and that said entry is made for the purpose of [[?]] settlement and cultivation, and not either directly or indirectly for [[?]] use and benefit of any of any other person or persons whomsoever: and upon [[?]] affidavit with Register and Receiver of public lands at the land office of the District in which the lands are located, and the pay-ment of five dollars, the applicant can enter not more than eighty acres of land and take immediate possession. If at the end of five years the land has been held and cultivated by the applicant a patent giving him full right and legal title to the land will be issued upon the payment of five dollars. Assistant Commissioners should make themselves familiar with all the provisions of this Act intended to extend the privilege of securing Home- [[?]] from public lands to loyal whites and freedmen; giving them till Jan. 1st 1877. Special opportunities of obtaining homes by mere act of settlement and payment of five dollars, secure from any interference likely to occur. Information of the location and quality of lands, the manner of energy, the advantage of this offer of the Government, the increased security, and many reason for companies of these people enter-ing lands lying contiguous, should be collected and presented in the strongest manner. Public lands can be entered at the following land offices located in the states named: Alabama,-Montgomery: Mississippi,-Jackson: Louisiana,-New Orleans: Arkansas,-Little Rock, Washington, and Clarksville: Florida, -Tallahassee. O. O. HOWARD, Major General, Commissioner. OFFICIAL: O.D. Kinmay Assistant Adjutant General. [seal]THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE UNITED STATES[seal]