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Freedmen's fund, will forward it to the Assistant Commissioner, or his Chief Disbursing officer, taking receipts in duplicate, as directed in Par.2, Circular 17, of 1865, one copy of which they will send direct to the Commissioner of Washington. VII. Whenever Assistant Commissioners wish to make any expenditures that are not provided for under the heads enumerated in Par. 2, of this Circular that should properly be paid out of the Refugees and Freedmen's fund, they will make a special estimate, in duplicate, for the amount needed, setting forth in detail the objects for which it is required. VIII. Disbursing officers will, hereafter, make two distinct sets of Financial Accounts-- one for all funds received, disbursed or transferred under the appropriation made by Congress: the other for all funds received, disbursed or transferred on account of the Refugees and Freedmen's fund, the [[?]] current [[?]] of the latter fund will be ultimately [[?]] as such to prevent mistakes as to which fund they prefer. Only [[?]] for stores and property will be necessary, as hereafter. IX. Quartermaster, Commissary and Material supplies will be drawn as hereafter, and will not be included in any estimates for funds, as arrangements will be made in Washington with the heads of the respective Bureau, for the payment of all such accounts. X. The general regulations will draw in Circular 12, of 1865, are still in effect. XI. It is important that all Receiving and Disbursing officers of this Bureau should understand that [[necessities?]]] must be made with as great care and that as much vigilance should be used in scrutinizing the manner of making out vouchers and other papers, connected with financial accounts, as for that of any other Disbursing Bureau. O. O. HOWARD. Major General, Commissioner (Signed) C Cadle Jr Adjt Assistant General
Transcription Notes:
text is very blurry -- hard to make out some words