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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands.
Washington, July 17, 1866.

No. 9.

I. The Appropriation Bill for this Bureau, for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1866, having been approved by the President, Assistant Commissioners will cause their Chief Disbursing Officers to forward at once, estimates, in duplicate, properly approved for sufficient funds to meet the expenses of the State or District under their charge for the month of July, 1866, (and arrearages), and will hereafter make such estimates monthly.

II. The following are the specified object for which money has been appropriated, and all estimates will be made and expenditures classified under these heads, viz:
Salaries of Assistant and sub-Assistant Commissioners.
Salaries of Clerks.
Stationery and Printing.
Quarters and Fuel.
Clothing for distribution.
Commissary Stores.
Medical Department.
School Superintendents.
Repairs and rent of School Houses and Asylums.
[[stamp]] THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF [[?]] [[/stamp]]

III. The money, from which the expenses of the Bureau for the past year have been paid, collected from miscellaneous sources is now called the "Refugee and Freedmen's fund" to distinguish it from the appropriation of Congress.

IV. Assistant Commissioners will cause their Chief Disbursing Officers to forward at once, by draft to Brevet Colonel Geo. W. [[?]], Chief Disbursing Officer at Washington, all monies belonging to the Refugees and Freedmens funds in their hands, or in the hands of any sub-Agent, for which receipts will be sent.

V. All monies received hereafter on account of the Refugees and Freedmen's Fund, will, in like manner, be forwarded monthly to the Chief Disbursing Office at Washington.

VI. All sub-Agents receiving money on account of the Refugees and