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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands.
Washington, Nov. 15, 1866
The following requirements of the Pension Office is published for the information of officers of this Bureau, who forward claims to this office: 
"In all claims for pension brought before this office, the certificate of the Captain, or some other commissioned officer of the company or regiment, having personal knowledge of the facts as to the origin of the disease or wound which resulted in the disability or death of the soldier, is required. No special form is required for this certificate, but it must comply substantially with the following regulation: "The officer will give a statement of all the facts known to him concerning the disease or wound of the soldier, the time, place, manner, and all the circumstances under which the injury occurred, or disease originated or appeared, the duty, service, or situation of the soldier at the time the injury was received or disease was contracted, and whatever facts may aid the judgment as to the cause, immediate or remote, of the disability, and the circumstances attending it.'
This certificate should be certified to on honor, signed by the officer in his official capacity, and dated.
If the officer be out of service, his certificate must be [[?]].
If no commissioned officer was present, the claimant must state what enlisted men were present, and if any such parties are accessible, their testimony should be furnished.
If the disability of a claimant for Invalid Pension is caused by disease contracted while in the service, medical testimony will be required."

By order of Maj. Genl. O. O. HOWARD.
Wm. Fowler
A. A. General.

OFFICIAL: J. F. Conyngham
A.A. General.  

Transcription Notes:
Don't mark for review with 7 [[?]] remaining Per SI instructions don't transcribe font style and don't use indents