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 The third Errata (page 117) is amended to read as follows:
 "Form 7, pp.36 and 37. Strike out "Transfer to Internal Revenue Department," and add as note:-
 Note.-See paragraph 18, article 3, ante. When payments which are subject to Internal Revenue tax are made to employes out of the Appropriation or other Funds of this Bureau, no deposit nor entry in account current of tax withheld will be made.

 In forms 44 and 45, page 78, and forms 60 and  61 page 107, officers should not be misled by the repeated use of the same initial letters. In form 44 the requisition and the receipt should be signed by the Surgeon in charge, and  the requisition sgould be approved by the Surgeon-in-Chief of the District. In form 45 the account should be made up in the name of the person who sells the supplies, and the receipt for the amount should be signed by him, and the certificate should be made by the Surgeon to whom the supplies are furnished. In forms 60 and 61 the witnesses to the contract should be disinterested parties.

 Form 53, page 91, will not be used, Form 13 having been substituted therefor.

 In Circular No. 5, Surgeon-General's Office, on page 96, strike out the third paragraph, the same having been rescinded by the Surgeon-General.