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Each check or certificate must be accompanied by the agent's or attorney's bill, made out in duplicate against the claimant, and receipted. The bills must state separately the amounts charged as attorney's fees, notarial fees paid for the claimant, and advances or loans made to him. Each affidavit for which a notarial fee is charged must be specified.

If the loans or advances have been made, the affidavit of the attorney or agent to their date and amount will be required, and the acknowledgement of the receipt of the same by the claimant, certified to by some officer legally authorized to administer an oath.

Advances or loans made after the issuing of the certificate will not be recognized. 
Only advances or loans of money will be recognized at this office, and the affidavit of the attorney of record only will be received.
The letter of transmittal, from the Auditor's Office, must accompany each certificate.

Letters of transmittal from correspondents must accompany all documents sent to this office.

With each certificate must be given the last-known Post-office address of the claimant.

Certificates payable to the order of the Commissioner of this Bureau should not be signed by the claimant, nor should the assignment upon the back of them be executed. 

No assignments of certificates, or powers of attorney to collect them, can be recognized by this Bureau.

Upon receipt of certificates, the attorney's charges will be settled and remitted to him. The amount due the claimant will be paid through the disbursing officers of this Bureau, or other designated agents, as soon as practicable.

Maj.-Gen., Commissioner.

A. A. Adj.-Gen.