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Regulations in [[?]] to the presentation of Claims for Pension. 
(To support Circular No. 8. of March 12, 1867).

Washington, April 23, 1868.

No. 2.  }

The following instructions in relation to the presentation of Claims for Pension are issued for the information of officers and agents of this Bureau:

Claims for Pension, in which the evidence (except officer's certificate, as indicated in Cir. No. 10, series of 1866, Claim Division) is complete, should be forwarded to this Bureau, for file in the Pension Office, as by the thirteenth section of the Act of Congress, approved June 6, 1866. every case in which a Claim for Pension shall not have been filed within three years after the discharge or decease of the party on whose account claim is made, the pension, if allowed, shall commence from the date of filing the last paper in said case by the party prosecuting the same.

In cases where the disability or death of the soldier is, or was, the result of wounds received while in the service of the United States, and in the line of duty, if it be satisfactorily shown by the applicant, under oath, that the certificate of a commissioned officer having personal knowledge of the facts cannot be obtained, the joint affidavit of two or more enlisted men having personal knowledge of the circumstances, obtained by having been present at the time the wound was incurred, will be received in lieu of an officer's certificate.

The post-office addresses of officers whose certificates may be required, and who have been mustered out of service, will, when practicable, be furnished upon application made to this office. 

O.O. Howard,
Major-General, Commissioner.


A.A.A. General.

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