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War Department
A.G.O. Washington June 25th 1867

Special Orders }
No. 323 }


I, Captain E.L. Clark, sixth Veteran Reserve Corps, is hereby relieved from duty in the Bureau RF and AL and mustered out and discharged the service of the United States, He will receive no final payments or allowances of any kind, until he shall have made satisfactory defence to the Adjutant General of the Army to charges of embezzlement of subsistence stores pertaining to the Bureau of RF and AL, placed under his charge as Agent, and conduct unbecoming an officer and gentleman, copies of which will be furnished him upon application to said Bureau. Evidence of compliance with the foregoing will be a Special Order from this office. 

By Order of the Secretary of War
(signed) E. D. Townsend
Asst. Adjt. Genl.

G.H. Williams
1st LtH 1st U.S.L. AAAG