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War Department
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Washington, April 8th 1869


No 13

The furnishing of transportation in Kind for any purpose, having been discontinued, the Officers of this Bureau in charge of transportation will, with as little delay as possible, forward to Bvt Lt. Col. J M. Brian, D. O. on duty at these Head-quarters, all blank transportation orders and bills of lading remaining on hand, taking his receipt in duplicate therefor. One copy of the receipt so taken will accompany the final Monthly Report of Transportation Orders, issued, &c.

Transportation Orders and Bills of Lading heretofore issued, and not used will be, at once, forwarded to the Commissioner for Cancellation.

By order of
Bvt Major Genl. O O. Howard, Commr.
Henry M Whittelsey
[[strikethrough]] Bvt. Brig. Genl., and [[/strikethrough]] Chief Q. M.,
Bureau R. F. & A. L.

Bvt Lt. Col. Edwin Beecher
D. O. B R F A L
Montgomery, Ala

Transcription Notes:
*In other letters the same author has written "Headquarters" as "Head Quarters" and "Head-quarters," so whether the "-" included in the spelling present in this letter is apart of the word or an indicator of one word being cut-off is unclear. **Comma transcribed may actually be accidental marks ***Is "forewarded" an expected period misspelling by the author of the word "forwarded," or did he spell it right, and the way he wrote it appeared to have an "e" in it? ****"Lading" as a word is defined as being "the action or process of loading a ship or other vessel with cargo" by Oxford Languages.