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Office Sub Ass't Com. B.R.F & A.L.
Demopolis Ala: January 31" 1868

Maj. George H. Shorkley
S.A.C. & A.A.A.G
Montgomery Ala


I have the honor to state that in obedience to Special Orders No 4. from Hd. Qrs. Dis't of Ala: January 15" 1868; I relieved Mr Pierce Burton as Sub Asst Comr of this Sub District, at which time the operations of this office were apparently being conducted in an efficient manner.

Since assuming charge of the office its duties have been chiefly confined to settlement of contracts for 1867, and attending to minor local complaints.

The duties of the office are new to me, and I have had but little opportunity for observation, but so far as it extends in my opinion the freedmen are being provided with homes and places to labor for the present year; and reports from other parts of the district confirms this impression, and I am satisfied that there will be employment for all who are disposed to labor.

There does not seem to be as much uniformity in the tenor of contracts as last year: some give the freedman one fourth the crop and provide rations as was customary last year; others give one third of crop and require the laborers to furnish their own rations: and some give one half the laborers bearing an equal share of the expense. I have not heard of any instance where wages are being paid or offered.

A majority of the Planters lost heavily last year; also very many of the freedmen have lost their year's labor; but the experience will be ample compensation to the general interest of the race & country, as it will necessarily

Transcription Notes:
3-14-2021: Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review