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time to have forced them to have accepted any terms that their employers might have seen fit to offer.

Circular No 17, from Hd. Qrs: Dist of Ala. was very opportune, but its provisions will be applicable to but very few cases in this District; the supply of Laborers being scarcely equal to the demand.

I have been called upon several times of late to report relative to Schools and Educational matters, but there is little being done in that respect, and with the present prospect that the State will soon assume the responsibility I have not supported that the Bureau would enter upon a systematic and consequently expensive course relative thereto.

There are many places where schools might and ought to be established, but it would require at least (50) Fifty percent of the cost of their maintenance & also more time than I have to devote to it, consequent upon other duties connected with the bureau, which keep me constantly engaged.

Heretofore an Ass't Supd't of Schools has been allowed to this Sub Dist, and I would respectfully suggest and ask that one be appointed, if a thorough Educational System is to be instituted, previous to the State Government assuming the work.

One great need of this District is suitable provision for the "Poor & Indigent". There are but few in comparison to the population, but the provision for them is very inadequate.

The freedmen are inclined to ignore the laws relative to "Marriage" but in every case coming to the knowledge of this office, a strict observance of the law is required.

Dissatisfaction is openly expressed that the "Stay Law" does not make provision for a continuance or extension of "liens".

Respectfully Submitted,
I am Major, Very respectfully &c,
A. J. Bennett
1" Lieut 15" July & S.A.C.