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Sub Dist of Demopolis B.R.F. and A.L.
Demopolis Ala March 31st 1868

Brevet. Maj. Geo. Shorkley
A.A.A. General
Montgomery Ala

I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of the Bureau in this Sub Dist for the month of March 1868  
Nothing unusual has transpired in this vicinity. but in some parts of the Dist aggravated disturbances have occured. In Green County the Agent J.A. Gordy has deemed it advisable to leave his post in consequence of violence towards others &, threats against himself, the facts of which are about as follows
On Saturday March 14th Rev C B.F. Hill a quiet unobtrusive gentleman who has been engaged in teaching & superintending schools for Freedmen in the county was assaulted and severely beaten by prominent Citizens and notified to leave the County within a certain time. He did so and upon representation to HeadQuarters a detachment of U S troops were sent to Eutaw and made arrests of several that were engaged in the assault upon Mr Hill. Mr Yordy was advised by friends to leave the place for a time as there is not sufficient influence among the well disposed Citizens to restrain the lawless portion of the community