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He says, he cannot pay such enormous tax, and support his family; consequently, he must close his shop, and abandon the only business for which he is qualified. There are doubtless many other similar cases. The Revenue Law appears to discriminate in favor of the land-holder, and the whole-sale merchant, to the prejudice of nearly every other class.

There are colored schools at Abberville, Henry County, at Newton, and Mt. Pleasant, Dale County, at Clayton, and Eufaula, Barbour County, at Enon, Bullock County, and perhaps at other places in the sub. district.
Most of them are flourishing, and the students are making fine progress. The school in Eufaula is divided into two departments, male, and female, numbering in all 190 pupils. Mr. C. P. Wheeler and lady have charge of the male dept., and Miss S. A, Jenness of the female dept., the whole being under the supervision of Mr. Wheeler. These excellent teachers, by their faithful attention to business, and general good conduct, have won the confidence and esteem of all fair minded people in the City.

I cannot forbear remarking that their salary is much less than their arduous labor demands.

The colored people are using every effort to educate their children, in which they are encouraged by the white people generally.