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the Bureau. The removal of this Officer will be recommended as soon as a suitable man can be selected to fill his place.

Many of the cases referred to were applications for a revision of settlements made for labor done last year. On investigation, it has appeared that, in some instances, the laborers were swindled out of part of their wages; while in others, fair settlements were made with them, which on account of their inexperience in business transactions, they could not understand.

Other complaints of different character will be noticed under their proper heads.

Since civil officers have been notified that "contracts evidently unjust must be disregarded in settleing claims for labor," several contracts have been submitted at this office for examination most of which contain objectionable features; such, for instance, as impose forfeiture, penalties, &c for disobedience, misdemeanor, theft, &c.

Employers have been notified that, while there are laws providing penalties for all such offenses, the practice of inserting them in contracts will not be sustained.

Great pains have been taken to instruct the freedmen in the principles of justice on which contracts should be based, - the binding force of contracts, and the importance of a faithful compliance with all their lawful obligations.

System of Labor.
The evils attending the present system of farming -

Transcription Notes:
3-14-2021: Transcribed per guidelines (transcribing spelling errors as is) and marking for review