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the working of a great number of laborers on large plantations under one contract, (referred to in the July Report from this office) are daily becoming more apparent; while the plant heretofore suggested of dividing the large plantations into small farms is gaining favor with farmers. Indeed it is evident that the day is not far distant, when the present land-holders will find it to their interest to reduce their extensive tracts of land down to a comfortable homestead and invest their capital in other branches of business. It is to be hoped they will turn their attention to the building of railroads, the erection of manufacturing establishments, and the development of the various resources of the state.

Then every citizen will have an opportunity to secure a homestead, and the latent wealth of the State will be brought to the surface and distributed among the people. Then we will have a practical application of the principles of the Republican Union Party, resulting in "the greatest good to the greatest number."


During the month, a few applications have been made for the release of children apprenticed. Some of these have been promptly responded to; the others are still under investigation. In some instances, application is made for col'd orphans by colored men, or women, whose lawful claims to the children are very doubtful, and difficult to establish.

In all such cases the children are given to those of their own color, when the applicant is found to be able to take proper care of them.