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A few cases have been reported, charging the Tax Collector with demanding exception poll tax of freedman. Directions have been sent to the Tax Collector on this subject. 

Abuse of Freedmen. 
Several cases of this character have been reported at this Office, during the month, on all of which prompt action has been taken, through the Civil Courts, and the guilty parties either fined, or bound over to appear at the next term of the Circuit Court. 

System of Labor- Contracts 
Nothing special to report respecting the System of Labor, in addition to former Reports. Concerning Contracts, it may be remarked that but few Contracts have been submitted at this Office for approval. Most of those submitted have been found to be just and liberal. Others have been modified, before approval. Quite a number are laboring under mere verbal Contracts, both parties being averse to signing written contracts. 

Having been confirmed at the Office during the month, best little information has been obtained reporting. Schools, It is known, however, that several schools have been opened recently, with prospects somewhat encouraging. The School heretofore reported are still prosperous.