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Feeling between the Races.
A majority of the whites seem to have a friendly feeling towards the freedpeople; but it is feared that this feeling is prompted more from a desire to control their labor, than from any other motive. Some white people, however, appear to have a fixed hatred for the colored people, and avail themselves of the most trifling pretexts to maltreat them in various ways.
The freedmen manifest no animosity, or disposition to abuse the whites, but merely show a feeling of distrust, and suspicion towards the whites.
It is believe that this state feeling between the races will continue to exist until the State shall become permanently settled in the Union, and the status, and proper relations between them fixed by law.

I am General,
Very respectfully.
Your obt. servt.
W.E. Connelly
Sub. Asst. Comr.

Transcription Notes:
3-15-2021: Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review 3-15-2021: Reviewed and marking as Complete