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Cases Originating in this Sub-Dist.

A large portion of the freedmen of this Sub. Dist. engaged to work at the commencement of the year for a share of the crop. Of the numerous complaints that have been made at this office the present month a large proportion have been concerning the [[?]] of the same. Many of these cases have been settled at this office to the satisfaction of all concerned. Others have been referred to the local magistrate. 

The recent act of the General Assembly granting to the agricultural laborer a lien on the crop for labor performed on the same, is exerting a most beneficial effect among the farming population, influencing the planters to deal fairly with the freedmen.

Inasmuch as all complaints by the freedmen of a criminal nature and all others which the officer of the bureau, as counsellor for the freepeople, is unable to settle by effecting  a mutual understanding & agreement between the parties -  must be referred to the civil magistrate having jurisdiction in such cases. it is of the utmost importance that such authorities