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Hd Qr Office Asst Supt
Bureau of R. F. & A. L.
Greenville Ala
April 2nd 1866

Col. C. Cadle Jr


I have the honor to submit my Monthly Report and Trimonthly Report and rations Return for March 1866
In regard to the issues of rations they are quite heavy and I respectfully recommend that they be cut down. The issues to freedmen are very small in comparison to whites, not more than one colored person to every ten whites. I beg leave to call your attention more particularly to the issues of Rations to agents for different counties, several have applied but not identifying themselves were refused by me. I respectfully suggest that all papers from agents to this office be referred to your Hd Quarters for approval, which would in a great measure prevent the impositions I am satisfied are daily practiced.
The Colony at Garland is improving Small Pox is on the decrease, not more than two cases on hand. The aggregate amount of Freedmen are about (52) fifty-two men, Women and children as also (8) Eight or (10) Ten Whites.
Your attention is called to the Establishment of a public school in this Town. Mr. Buckley visited this place on an inspecting tour some time since, and expressed himself satisfied that a good school for the accommodation of (100) one hundred or