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The complaints of violence and abuse have not been so numerous as in some previous months. There has been however an organized attempt to effect the desired end of deterring freedmen from the full exercise of their civil privileges by practicing upon the weak point of their excessive tendency to superstition. The thing called Ku Klux Klan has published its inane stupidities and hyperbolical threats by the aid and encouragement of the rebel forces. All this would be too  puerile for contempt, were it not for the deeper purpose of evil which it covers. Their bug bear warnings have been issued against all colored persons who shall be caught out at evening schools, and for a while kept the pupils from attending to a considerable extent. 

The condition of the people of this Sub District in regard to subsistence is on the whole very favorable. Complaints of lack of food have been received from Conecuh County, and 5000 pounds of corn have been sent there in charge of Hon. A. W. Jones who kindly volunteers his services in distributing it. Personal observations in the other Counties of the District lead me to believe that no great amount of suffering if any, is to be apprehended if left to their own resources.