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helpless class in this town and vicinity, as is more fully set forth in a communication to the Chf. Q.M. Dist. of Ala. dated May 30th. I earnestly hope this application may be granted.

The condition of the schools in my Sub District is not materially changed from that of my last report.

The scarcity of many gives rise to complaints of non payment of the small amount charged for tuition. By reference to the reports forwarded to the Supt. of Education it will be seen that sixty-four dollars was the full amount received by three teachers and one assistant in the month of May. The school may be soon broken up on this account, but there are hopes that after harvest it will not be so hard to raise the money.

In matters of Civil government, there is little of importance to record. The presence of troops here has a very beneficial effect, and it is hoped they will be retained. There is a general unwillingness on the part of freedmen to trust cases in the hands of magistrates in the County beats. They may generally be relied upon for unjust judgement against freedmen as will be illustrated in a communication of the present date. 

Very Respectfully
Your Ob'd't. Servt,
Saml S. Gardner
Sub Asst Com'r.