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Sub-District of Greenville
Bureau R. F. & A. L.
Greenville, Ala. November 5th 1868

Vt Lieut. Col. Edwin Beecher
Asst. Commissioner,
Montgomery, Alabama. 

I have the honor to report herewith, the operation of the Bureau R.F. & A.L. in the Sub-District for the month ending October 31st 1868.
I am at a loss for language to express the present state of affairs in this Sub-District, especially in this county. The Judge of Probate has left this place to escape the violence of a mob.
The machinery of civil government being disorganized there is little or no protection to persons or property. The Bureau R.F. & A.L. having discontinued the hospital in this county, and the absence of all charitable aid, some persons, both white and colored, will end their existence on earth by starvation and neglect.
On the night of the 17th of October, an armed mob broke the door of my office, and entered my private room. A number of citizens of this county have organized themselves into a band known as the vigilance committee, and patrol through the town and country every night.
I will not enter into a detailed account of the