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Office Agent B.R.F. & A.L.
Greensboro, Ala: April 30th 1868

Maj. C. W. Pierce
Sub Ass't Commir
Demopolis Ala:

The following, I submit as a report of the operations of the Bureau within the purview of this agency for the month of April 1868.

The business, has been very dull; confined chiefly to examination & approval of contracts, which are mostly on favorable terms, and shows a disposition on the part of the planter to act justly, and to give the laborer a liberal compensation for his services, with a chance to make something if he is so disposed. The majority of the agreements give the laborers one fourth of the entire products raised, and every necessary requirement to work the crops, - allowing them provisions &c.

I am gratified to state, the prospects of good crops are quite flattering; the negro seeming to understand that upon his labor his future welfare depends, thus striving to make the crops meet the expectations of all interested.

The sheriff of this County, Mr. Griggs, tendered his resignation some time since, & with the expectation of its being accepted, the prisoners confined in the jail of this place, were removed to Marion. It having been ascertained that his resignation would be disapproved, Mr. Griggs retains the position, and the prisoners will probably be returned.

Very respectfully
(signed) C. A. Gale
Act'g Agent:

C. W. Pierce