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No 3
Or detail as the white troops were mustered out. All the officers detailed have been very efficient- especially 1st Lieut Miller 88th U.S.C.I. detailed as solicitor, he is a man of fine abilities- whose decisions are always honest and just and labors indefatigably.  In Athens Livingston County I have appointed H.P. Tanner Esq Agent- a gentleman of fine business character and recommended by the whites and colored, especially by the colored, in this county I apprehend no trouble as the people are in general intelligent and ready to adapt any measure for good.  In Decator Morgan County Ala, H. Patterson Esq has been appointed a good appointment and acceptable to all.  In Hilsboro Lawrence County Ala, H.B. Irwin-an old citizen has been appointed said to be just to colored people and promises that justice shall be meeted out to them, this is one of the largest cotton raising Counties in N. Ala, and the citizens are anxious for the best measures to be adopted for the future no matter how much unlike their former habits and customs.
In Florence Lauderdale County Ala, C.A. Tiney Esq has been appointed.