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Office Sub. Asst. Comr. BRF and A.L.
Huntsville, Ala May 31" 1867
Major Gen Swayne
Asst Comr B R F. & A.L.
Montgomery Ala.

General: - 
In compliance with Circular No. 4 dated War Department Bureau R.F. & A.L. Washington D.C. February 5" 1867.  I have the honor to submit the following as my Report of Operations of the Bureau and Freedmans affairs during the month of May 1867.
I had employed in the offices up to the 15" of the month three clerks at which time two were discharged leaving during the remainder of the month but one.
Freedmens Affairs.
The Freedmen during the month so far as my knowledge extends, have worked very industriously and but few complaints of violation of contracts on the part of Employees have been reported.  Some complaints however have come to this office of violence to the persons of Colored Laborers the perpetrators of the act complained of have been summoned to report to this