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bestow, have been guarranteed to them with all the regularity and solemnity of lawful Legislative Enactment. Henceforth their destiny will be, in a great measure, in their own keeping. If they stand firm and cultivate sobriety, industry and rectitude of conduct, no apprehension need be Entertained for their future, by them or ourselves; and, judging by my observation and knowledge of them, I have no doubt that in all the appliances, of usefulness and improvement, they will fully meet the expectations of the most sanguine.
There is in this Sub District great need of School Houses. Not one creditable building for that purpose, has, as yet, been erected, within my jurisdiction. Upon this subject, I am happy to report, that the piece of ground to which I called your attention, when you were last here, can and will be purchased, and the little vested in three or some other number of trustees, in due form of law, for the purpose of erecting and carrying on a school for Freedmen, so soon as the funds necessary for the erection of a building are appropriated or set apart, out of the Educational fund of the Bureau. I have the most positive and satisfactory assurance, that the lot of ground will be purchased promptly and in good faith; and I most earnestly recommend that a sum not less than Eight thousand (8.000) be set apart.