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to exist in that locality - then when Capt Poillon first went there
Four Companies of Colored troops were sent to Bladon Springs yesterday and I hope that their presence there will have the same beneficial Effect. They were sent there in loaded with Gov't Cottons by a band of robbers. I have sent instructions with the Senior Officer to regulate all differences between the planters and Freedmen in case the civil authorities fail to do so
Besides the troops at Claiborne & Bladon Springs, there are detachments at Sparta - Pollard and at St. Stephens (on the Tombigbee). I expect to hear from all of these in a day or two.
I am laboring under many difficulties owing to the frequent charges in troops and the extreme difficulty in obtaining anything from the Qr Masters Dept
I need an adjutant very much but cannot obtain one here - there being so few officers in this Dist
I also need a clerk for the Office and a Superintendant and an Ass't at the Colony