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regard to truth. I have not yet heard from my letter in regard to the "Cab and Dray" ordinance, I think that the Bond should be limited in all cases to the value of the Carriage or Dray with the mule or horse. As the matter now stands it gives evil and designing men a chance to oppress and abuse the negro by trumping up false charges for theft, loss of goods &c.

Dr. Kipp is here and is making a distribution of the Sanitary Stores recently received from the North.

I do not think that I shall need any more officers, as Col Wickersham has kindly agreed to order the Post Q.M. to relieve Lt. Fuller when the 86th is mustered out.

I have sent Capt Steinberg to the Eastern shore.

I have the honor to be Colonel
Your Obt Servt.
Geo D. Robinson
Capt and Supt.