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apprentices, but it is doubtful whether in a single case, it has been of any advantage to the apprentices themselves. It is alas doubtful whether Probate Judges have been much governed by G.O. No 3, Hd. Qrs, Dist. of Alabama, c.s., or whether they have taken any action under it except when ordered in special cases. Indeed, even in these cases, action has not always been prompt and willing, and, in one case which has been referred to the Assistant Commissioner, it was positively declined. In fine, the spirit in which the State laws are administered is adverse and depressing to the colored race in all instances which have been called to the attention of this office.

The Freedmen's Schools in this district are confined to this city and vicinity, and to Hollywood in Baldwin County. They are under the change of capable and efficient teachers, and have done all that could be expected from them in the great work of educating the freedmen. There are not schools enough, however, to satisfy the demand of colored children for instruction, and while this office has been anxious to